Bay Bridge Row To Start 2020 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The first Saturday of the new year was a perfect day to row – cool air, clearing sky, and no wind resulted in smooth waters out into the Bay. A few days before, one group of BHS rowers had headed out to the eastern span of the Bay Bridge, but there were more rowers who wanted to go than the number of boats that can travel on open waters would allow. A second trip was arranged, and on this morning 8 enthusiastic rowers showed up early in the morning, put boats in the water, and headed off. Coaches Brandon and Marie followed in launches, shouting encouragement and guiding the boats through the port. One lucky parent went along for the ride. 

The port was empty and still. There was only one container ship nearby, and due to the lack of wind, sailboats stayed in the docks. 

The trip out to the bridge took about an hour, with a few rest breaks along the way. The round trip was almost exactly 19,000 meters – more than most practices!

We took a rest break on the way back at the estuary mouth, and one or two harbor seals took an interest in us, trying to climb on board the boats. Then, as we neared Jack London Square, the 10 a.m. ferry headed out, its wake being the biggest waves we experienced on the trip. All in all, a great way to start off 2020!

Head of the port results

Sunday, Oct. 13 2019

Berkeley High School raced at Head of the Port, winning our priority events and taking home a number of Head-of-the-Port 1st-place mugs.

Full results here.

It was a good day. Next race for us is Head of the American at Lake Natoma on Saturday, October 26th, 2019.

Go Jackets!

Brandon Caesar


May 23, 2019 Howard Robinson

After months of practice on the Oakland Estuary and strenuous workouts at the BHS gym, the Yellowjackets are wrapping up the 2018-2019 season with four athletes competing on the national stage.

Juniors Sydney Harris (stroke) and Isa Plowman (bow) will be wearing the red and gold at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America regatta May 24 & 25 ​in Dillon Lake, Ohio — a premier venue for public and private high school racing.

And seniors Julian Kuzdovich (stroke) and Brad Stimpson (bow) — fresh from an impressive third place finish in regional competition — will be rowing at Youth Nationals June 6-9, at Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida.

Both events will be streamed live so be sure to check them out online.

Big congratulations go out to the kids (and coaches) for making it so deep into the season! Best of luck as you represent Berkeley High loudly and proudly.



Berkeley High Crew closed out 2017 with a fabulous morning on the Oakland Estuary. A few brave alumni tested the varsity and novice teams in eights & fours, and the brief rivalry was followed by a tasty potluck.

Here are a few photos from the event (credit to Steve Grand)